Integrierte Entwicklungsumgebung 4GL |
, a powerful IDE & ALM Suite WINDEV allows you, via its full integration, its legendary ease and its advanced technology, to easily develop major projects in Windows, Linux, .NET, Java and much more! (full compatibility with Web, Mobile, Android, iOS, ...) |
, Internet IDE Responsive Web Design. WEBDEV allows you to easily develop Internet and Intranet sites and applications (WEB & SaaS) that support data and processes. WEBDEV also generates PHP. |
, Mobile IDE Only WINDEV Mobile allows you to create powerful applications for Smartphone and Tablet (Android, iOS, Windows 10 Iot, CE, ...) in just a few hours: embedded or remote databases, GPS, IoT, bar codes, ... |
FREE & UNLIMITED Database HFSQL is a database engine included in the development environments (WINDEV, WINDEV Mobile and WEBDEV). |
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